Butlins Family Caravan Holidays

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» Listings for January 2017

  1. butlins minehead caravan park

    There has been an update to this blog post - click here to read more

    #BourneLeisure have dropped a bombshell on caravan owners at their park in Minehead Somerset. Out of the blue at the weekend they informed owners, by way of a nicely worded letter that they would have to fork out up to £4,000 yes that's four thousand pounds more a season to provide the guests that choose to stay in the caravans with passes to the park.

    Not bad you say, why shouldn't those caravan owners pay up to provide their guests with Butlins entertainment passes?
    Well .... there are a couple of reasons that I can think of, ok ok, so I am a caravan owner, but come on Bourne Leisure is this really fair? We already pay over £8,000 a year to have our caravan sited on the Butlins park, this is made up from annual site fees, rates, utilities, safety tests and the like, also the odd £30 charge to have someone change a light bulb, this is payable whether you manage to find a paying guest or if its sits empty, and works out at around £154 per week, even the weeks the park is closed !
    The added cost of the passes means that for us to be able " *to provide affordable holidays for ordinary British families" could be a thing of the past.
    Whatever would Billy of said about it I wonder?
    BOOK BEFORE THE 5TH FEB so you don't give Bourne Leisure anymore money than you have too