ULTIMATE 80's WEEKENDER Butlins Skegness Friday 13th June 2025
Love the 80s? Then this one’s for you! See some of the era’s biggest stars as we take you back to a time when shoulder pads and perms were all the rage. Think live music from headline acts, epic fancy dress and loads of daytime experiences. It was the ultimate decade! This break is fancy dress-friendly (in fact, we wholeheartedly encourage it), so get busy planning your outfits! Headliners for this break are Five Star, Kim Wilde and The Fizz.
Bad Manners | Kim Wilde | Black Lace | China Crisis | Dollar | Five Star (Deniece Pearson) | Musical Youth | Odyssey | Pat Sharp (DJ Set)
Tribute Line-Up
Bjorn to be Abba | Complete Madness | Go Span Duran | Nya King as Whitney Houston | Royal Rhapsody | The MJ Experience | YMCA (Village People Tribute)
Comedy Line-Up
Stand-Up Comedy Allstars
Other Entertainment
Bingo Bango
Music Weekend Accommodation
Choice of three and four bedroom caravans to sleep up to 8 guests, with some caravans close together for larger groups
Adult Music Weekends 2025
Great choice of Big Weekends, choose from 60's 70's, 80's, 90's, Soul, Disco, Alternative Music ...
Other Activities avaialble on your Butlins 80's Weekender

Silent Disco

Pool Parties

Live Comedy

American Pool

Fancy Dress

Big Screen Sports

Ten Pin Bowling